The New Orleans Academy of Fine Arts is dedicated to the preservation of Fine Art’s past and the development of its future through an engaging education in a welcoming environment.
5256 Magazine St.New Orleans, LA 70115Call us: (504) 899-8111
So much happens at The Academy that you may not catch it all. But you can read about the latest happenings here and learn about the people and productions that keep our campus vibrant and our involvement in the community meaningful.
Our Camp Programs are designed to be fun, engaging, student driven and focused on art.
We are proud to announce the offering of the Scalfi Spirit Scholarship for its third consecutive year.
We are happy to annouce this year's Student Exhibition Award Winners.
8 TAKES is an exhibit of work by eight New Orleans artists who became friends through their shared love of creating art.
Saturday, December 9, 10am-3pm join us for the Holiday Student Art Fair! Our students will be selling original artwork: drawings, paintings, photographs, jewelry, ceramics and more. Come support local artists and take home some great works of art!
We are excited to announce our Annual Student Exhibition! This event serves as a capstone to our Academic year at the Academy and is our most important exhibition.
As a non-profit, it is our goal to enrich lives, encourage creativity, and help others to appreciate art by providing a nurturing environment for engaging education and personal enjoyment. We believe our work will preserve, sustain, and enhance the legacy in the visual arts for New Orleans and beyond. We need your support to make it so.
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