The New Orleans Academy of Fine Arts is dedicated to the preservation of Fine Art’s past and the development of its future through an engaging education in a welcoming environment.
5256 Magazine St.New Orleans, LA 70115Call us: (504) 899-8111
Urban Sketching
Description: Urban Sketching can be a wonderfully satisfying way to record quick impressions and memories of your travels and experiences, especially in a colorful city like New Orleans. But urban sketching doesn't have to happen in a picturesque city setting. It can happen in your car, in a coffee shop or bar, while you're sitting at a bus stop or in the laundromat—anywhere you can carry a sketchbook and a few basic art supplies.
In this class, we'll talk about finding the materials that work best for you, how not to "overpack," choosing the right location (or letting it choose you), working "fast and loose," composition, perspective (and when to ignore it), overcoming your fear of drawing in public, practical topics like safety ("where do I stand?") and much more. Students will work in various New Orleans locations on assignments designed to encourage observation and creative problem-solving, and to make sketching fun again. Students at all skill levels are welcome.
Most of this class will take place outdoors. If you have trouble standing for long periods of time, you may want to bring a light folding chair.
Supply List:
Dave Hotstream is a professional illustrator who has produced work for The New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Foundation, The U.S. Peace Corps, and Wizards of The Coast/Magic The Gathering.
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