The New Orleans Academy of Fine Arts is dedicated to the preservation of Fine Art’s past and the development of its future through an engaging education in a welcoming environment.
5256 Magazine St.New Orleans, LA 70115Call us: (504) 899-8111
Instructor: Helen Reed
This course will allow you to expand your photographic competency and aesthetic sensibility while learning techniques to improve your work and build a greater understanding of advanced functions of the digital camera. The course stresses the development of a cohesive body of work, with the final goal a series of project-based photographs. We will examine and compare contemporary and historically significant photographic works, discuss the conceptual effects of color in an image, and refine compositional techniques to further engage your viewer and communicate your visual voice as an artist. The class format will consist of group discussions and critiques, short lectures, and shooting time. Some lighting equipment can be provided.
Prerequisites: Beginning or Photography 101 or equivalent experience, i.e., you must know how to operate your camera in manual mode.
Supply List:
DSLR Camera
laptop or tablet
editing software of your choice
Helen Reed is a passionate local photographer and educator specializing in portraiture. Helen’s commitment to both her craft and her students continues to shape her artistic path and the community around her.
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