The New Orleans Academy of Fine Arts is dedicated to the preservation of Fine Art’s past and the development of its future through an engaging education in a welcoming environment.
5256 Magazine St.New Orleans, LA 70115Call us: (504) 899-8111
Instructor: Brooke Howell
Students will work from live models to sculpt several short studies and learn how to quickly capture the gesture. Then we will move on to a longer study in order to further develop understanding of forms and proportions. Final sculptures will be hollowed and fired.
Rags x 2: t-shirt or tea towel (non-textured)
12-16” x 2 Boards to work on. Smooth, sealed plywood or laminated board are best (Bring your own or instructor will have some available for purchase)
Small Skewers
12-24” Ruler
Recommended Sculpture tools (consult with instructor before session starts if you need guidance):
2-3 small rakes
5-6” knife (butter knife or other not-too-sharp)
2-3 small Spatula (sculpting) tools
Additional supplies and one 25# bag of clay included in supply fee.
Brooke Howell is a multi-media artist and sculptor that creates soulful, whimsical character-based artworks. She commands a range of traditional and modern mediums including clay, bronze, silicone, resin, foam, and digital sculpting/3D printing.
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