The New Orleans Academy of Fine Arts is dedicated to the preservation of Fine Art’s past and the development of its future through an engaging education in a welcoming environment.
5256 Magazine St.New Orleans, LA 70115Call us: (504) 899-8111
Instructor: Brooke Howell
Students will work in water-based clay from a live model. They will complete a single figure sculpture along with short studies of the head, hands and feet in order to better understand these complex features. The knowledge gained by doing these studies will enable students to incorporate them more confidently on the whole figure. Final sculptures will be hollowed and fired.
1 - 25 Bag of clay is included in the tuition supply fee
Materials not included:
Rags x 2: t-shirt or tea towel (non-textured)
12-16” x 2 Boards to work on. Smooth, sealed plywood or laminated board are best (Bring your own or instructor will some some available for purchase)
Small Skewers
12-24” Ruler
Recommended Sculpture tools (consult with instructor before session starts if you need guidance):
2-3 small rakes
5-6” knife (butter knife or other not-too-sharp)
2-3 small Spatula (sculpting) tools
Brooke Howell is a multi-media artist and sculptor that creates soulful, whimsical character-based artworks. She commands a range of traditional and modern mediums including clay, bronze, silicone, resin, foam, and digital sculpting/3D printing.
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