
All Levels Life Drawing in Charcoal, Pastel or Graphite

All Levels Life Drawing in Charcoal, Pastel or GraphiteAll Levels Life Drawing in Charcoal, Pastel or Graphite

Instructor: Carol Peebles

Description: Come learn how to capture a likeness in a portrait or figure. Starting with gestures of 20-minute poses, we will slowly work up to 1-3 hour poses, all taught in the Classical Realist Tradition. Learn how to draw from life and best utilize limited time with your subject. Models will be nude, and students must be at least 18 years of age. We will also discuss how to apply these observational drawing techniques to still life, landscape, and pets, learning how the importance of gesture is found in all subject matter. See class demos on each lesson with instruction on figures, portraits, hands, feet, the skeleton, muscles, basic shading and measuring techniques, and more. Work in charcoal, graphite, or pastel. Happy Drawing!

Prerequisite: None. This course is open to all levels, from beginners to advanced students.

Supplies: Bring either charcoal, graphite, or pastel. You could also try all three if you like! The first day I will review supplies with you, but at least bring some of the following:

  • PASTELS: A small basic Nupastel or Cretacolor Hard Pastel Set works well. One or two pastel pencils, any color, any brand. I will discuss other options on the first day.
  • CHARCOAL: If you would rather draw with charcoal instead of pastels, bring vine charcoal and charcoal pencils.
  • PAPER: Bring any paper you already have. If you have none, get any pad of pastel paper, preferably one with a variety of colors. No need to get the most expensive paper; get whatever pad is on sale because we will go through lots of paper. I will discuss other paper options on the first day.
  • SKETCHBOOK: An 11x14 sketchbook, preferably Strathmore hardbound, but any other will do. This is for homework and taking notes in class.
  • Any regular pen or pencil to take notes
  • Two large bulldog clips
  • A kneaded eraser



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All Levels Life Drawing in Charcoal, Pastel or Graphite

Sep 9
Dec 9
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
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Dec 9
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
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